“Subscription line financing has long been an important tool in a fund manager’s kit, but a climate of rising interest rates and constrained supply has made these facilities more costly, changing the landscape for borrowers and lenders alike.
Also called sublines, they’re a type of bridge financing facility typically secured against and repaid by LP commitments. Sublines are a useful way for fund managers to have greater control over their cash flow. However, securing them can be a lengthy and difficult process, particularly in a market where supply is constrained.”
Link: https://pitchbook.com/news/articles/fund-financing-pe-vc-lenders-fintech-bridge
Image reference: Image by: https://br.freepik.com/fotos-gratis/colagem-mostrando-operacoes-de-receita_78914393.htm#fromView=search&page=1&position=5&uuid=07b5359f-51fc-4ea1-b2a3-ee30eefeaeed