Av. Eng. Duarte Pacheco
nº 19-A, 12º dt
1070-100 Lisboa
“Quality growth is a type of investment categorized, as the name implies, by investing in quality companies, with growth potential at any stage of the market …”
“Ignoring ESG factors can lead to climate and social difficulties and less effective management, in addiction to exposing the business to legal obstacles and, eventually, greater public scrutiny.”
“Focusing on ESG factors can help prevent environmental or social disasters, which could affect the asset’s profitability. That said, although a quality growth investor does not necessarily focus on ESG assets, they should think about how these factors can directly affect their investment …”
Link: Quality growth e ESG: compactuam? – FundsPeople Portugal
Image Reference: https://br.freepik.com/vetores-gratis/conceito-de-lideres-financeiros-desenhados-a-mao_19962873.htm#fromView=image_search_similar&page=1&position=0&uuid=8d352668-9c0e-4569-abe9-84076c710e4c
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Office Manager
Mariana is currently an Office Manager at Golden Monarque SCR S.A., responsible for giving support to the Direction, communicating between Partners, Suppliers and others, organizing the office, and other business support work. Mariana started at Golden Monarque in 2024, and previously worked at GrupoConcept as an Administrative Assistant. Mariana studied in England at Reading College. She is fluent in Portuguese and English.